I'm the fool for thinking that selling salvia divinorum 2k miles away from the boss would be the best job on earth.
My boss manages to give me more and more tasks every week, I don't know how he does this, sometimes I think he doesn't sleep thinking: "What would be the next work form Manuel? The harder the better (I meant the work, of course)"
But I'm up to the challenge, I'm a Mexican anyway, born to work everyday for low pay.
I'm not complaining, the problem is that I've been feeling weak from a week ago, I wasn't in my 100%, and I'm not good for anybody being like this.
So I went to buy some vitamins, but not just any vitamins, I was looking for 2 special ingredients: Ginko Biloba and Ginseng. I'm taking one per day with my breakfast, I've never tried vitamins before, just Omega 3 which wasn't much of a difference, but these ones are working excellent, just exactly what I needed.
I'm not a fan of medication on any form, but I don't want to waste my bosses time and money with me being lazy.
That's the main reason I've lost some days to post in here, but, with this new me, I'll catch up my friends, I know you all missed me, I missed you too.
Yes! I'm the new me! Comments please!