But I just don't stay there, only applying what I've learned, but starting to improve all those techinques and systems I've learned.
What I mean with this, is now that I've had enough time to learn about SEO, my brain is starting to get the whole idea. With this advantage, my goals must change, from learning the basics, to apply and improve what I know, even innovating some established ideas related to SEO.
The next step after learning from zero to a degree of discerning between good and bad decisions, is to know what is useless, a waste of time, to focus in what really matters. I think I have the tools and the knowledge to start doing some effective and worth-doing links for our site.
I can tell you that this is gonna be a slower process, but a more effective one too. Just like when you separate the good grains from the debris. Slow but focused only on what matters.
I'm not saying I'm smart, I think this is something anybody can do on any subject, with the right amount of time and info, which is something I have to thank my boss, he's very pacient.
Don't hesitate to leave a comment. I'll be waiting.

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