Unfortunately, ignorance is one of the greatest weapon of control in this Psychological wars era.
The ones in power rely on ignorance of the masses to achieve their egoist interests, if you haven't thought about this, take a little time in your life to meditate on this, you'll see that what I'm writing is true.
In the particular case of salvia, governments and some ignorants are taking advantage on this new discovery in botanics to make their governed believe they're in control, when with a little personal research with any search engine would clear all their doubts, realizing that salvia is a harmless plan.
Those in power will never change, that's what they're there for, but you can change, don't believe everything that they say, make your own research, and be free of being controlled because of ignorance.
This article doesn't just apply to Salvia Divinorum, but it may be applied to several issues
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