In my travels to America for business, specially to buy salvia, I knew that most of illegals immigrants use fake or stolen SSN to be able to work there.
But I got a big surprise when I went to the DMV to renew my driver license. This was not the first time I've renewed my DL, so, I was very confident on getting it without hassles.
Unfortunately, this was not the case, when I got to the DMV desk, after waiting in line for about 2 hours, they told me that my DL was suspended because of DUI, that I needed the SR_22 to prove that my record was clean. And I thought: "wait a minute, I have never driven DUI, much less caught"
So, being this the first time it happened I didn't know what was next, so I asked the teller what to do if that guy wasn't me, and he would probably used my DL number to get away from being in jail.
She gave me a court case number and the Court's phone number to ask for info about the case. I called the next day, and they said that I must be in person at the court before 9:00 AM.
That sounds easy, but if you're in Tijuana, and the Court is in Santa Ana, CA, that's another story. I had to wake up at 4:00 AM 1 hour to take a bath and put my clothes on, another one to get to the border, 2 hours to get to Santa Ana, and half an hour to get to the court, that gives me to 8:30.
They attended me very well, but there was too many people before me waiting for their cases to be solved by the Judge. So I finished the Court case around midday, but I ended up very glad about the American justice system. It turned out that the guy that used my name was one former roommate.
Finally, they gave me a paper where they release me of all responsibility on the case, I went to the DMV office right after, but they said that I must wait a couple of days to apply for a DL renewal, because the Court's data wasn't received already.
Anyway, I feel relieved that all this nuisance is over, and I will take more care about my personal data in the future.
Wish you a great weekend and sorry I wasn't here sooner, I've been traveling a lot, so much, that my boss is jealous.
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