I don't know how's your perception about this economical crisis, but I think that the G-20 summit placed at the UK won't bring the solutions needed for this matter.
The ones ruling our countries are trying to regulate banks and financial organizations when the problem is deeper than that. In my opinion, this is not a matter of regulation but a problem of ethics in all levels.
Is true that wall street investors and real state corporations were the one spotted at first, but if we go lower in this chain, we'll see that this is a problem of pure, simple and at the same time complicated ethics on every person involved in providing or receiving a mortgage, loan or credit.
I'm not sure if you know what I'm trying to say, but I think that by just applying new regulations to the top companies and banks won't do much if the low-level employees and regular people don't have enough sense of responsibility and ethics for their respective economical situation.
Unfortunately, all of them are expecting that someone else (ie. presidents and legislators) solve the crisis that in a sense was allowed to happen by themselves.
When every person starts taking their part of blame on the worldwide economical crisis then we'll have this problem on the right path to be fixed. I really hope that they start doing this the soonest possible, in any case, the solution is in their hand.
Like they say in Psychology: "The first step to solve a personal problem is to accept you have one"
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