I'm sure you knew about the "Earth day", where several countries unplugged the electricity of their monuments for one hour as a sign of empathy with our mother earth.
I don't know about your countries, but here in Mexico have several water cuts per week, I think that's systematically, but they manage to come out with a different excuse each time for the people not to tell. As an example, in Mexico City, the most populated in the world, they left a quarter of the city without water around 4 days.
They said that they were giving maintenance to the main pipes of the Cutzamala water system. That would've been ok for everyone, but after they did this "maintenance" they keep doing water supply cuts to that same part of the city, now arguing that "it hasn't rained enough".
To end this story, now they're asking, almost pushing government offices employees to save energy, to shut off any device they're not using, without an explanation.
I know this could be just me, but I don't buy those electricity and water cuts lightly. Something is going on that we're not worth to tell. In my opinion the water is running out, the electricity is running out, the world power supply is going down. They know about this, and they don't want regular people to know.
They just want to keep the power as long as they can, no matter who may suffer because of this.
If I scared you just get some Kratom extract or some Salvia to ease the inevitable truth.
PD: For ADN, I'm just an employee, I'll ask my boss about your suggestion and you'll know his decision if you pass by and check.
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