We put a lot of effort to get BHB on the track of success on Google Search, me, on daily, boring tasks, some times going blind because of my lack of experience on the subject, and to my boss, whose trust on my instincts and capabilities allowed me to get enough experience to get the page the rank it currently has.
Everything starts with the so-called keywords, which are not other thing than the words the SE (Search Engine) user writes on its text box to look for the web page that could fit his expectations.
In our case we use "salvia extracts" "salvia" "salvia divinorum" and others. In example, when somebody writes "salvia extracts" on a SE, we want our page to be on the top of the list the SE gives. All our efforts are focused on making the website to appear on the first page of it, which should be good because it would be at the sight of a potential customer.
On the next days, I'll be getting deep on what have been my technique on getting the web page where it is right now.
I'll be waiting for your comments, my readers.
Cool. I'm interested in your thought process as you work, what things you think about. Can't wait to read more ;)