I'm going to stop talking about Salvia Divinorum for a while and show you some pictures I took with my laptop. I hope you enjoy them. This is Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico, the place where I was born, and I'm currently living.

I'm gonna start from the outside to the inside. This is a park in front of my house, some of you might be thinking: "Wow! they have parks in Mexico!" And yes!, we have some. But the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

Now, this is the house I'm currently living, but I move very often so, if I move again, I'll let you know, hopefully with pictures. Yes, those jail bars you see on the window are not optic illusions, they're real, and that's to prevent any person to enter the house "by mistake". You may think: "What about the door?" The door has iron bars also, but in this picture the iron door is open, duh.

Ok this is my room. Yeah, I know it's just a mattress, you eagle eye! But I'm very comfortable there, the weather is not as cold as it could be, and I also have a TV, for a person like me, that's all you need.
So, this is something a little more personal than what I was writing before, I hope you enjoy it. I'm planning to show you more pictures of my city, and maybe with this change the negative image it has internationally.
If any questions just let me know on the "comments" area. I'll answer almost anything except the alternative use I give to the mattress, and the address of this house, I don't want you to stop by to ask me for free salvia.
Peace, brothers.
Wow! Best post yet. This is a good use for the laptop. You can also use it to film your "alternative use" of the mattress ;)