Thursday, January 29, 2009


You won't believe what happened tonight! If somebody tells me this I wouldn't either!

I was on my usual position as Online Customer Service, btw we're getting a good amount of returning customers specially salvia extracts buyers, and I'm proud of it, because I feel that is partially the result of my work. Where was I? Oh, yeah, at the part of the day when there is less traffic, I received a spam! Yes, a spam right on my place of work! And I thought I was safe over there.

The guy just dropped a huge paragraph, more like a small article telling to us, that they are the suppliers of the top salvia vendors on the net. Hell yeah!

On my next post, I will tell you who is the supplier of the top vendors on this business. To give you an idea, just look at the pic on the top left of this article.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

SEO Forums!

In the way of my research for advance on SEO strategies for our site, sometimes the obvious option is not the best, and even turns out to be the worst, and unfortunately, this time, that was the case.

I went there mainly because my boss told me to, and I really think this was a great idea. He told me to ask for info in SEO forums, so I started with a question that opened pandora's box, because my boss didn't like it. So I had to change the approach to abide my boss perspective.

From then, my boss was ok with my posts, but now the SEO forum's moderators were the ones who took a piece of me, and it wasn't pretty.

They let me know that they don't like people asking some kind of info for free , I think I touched a nerve there, and I replied asking for a little education, because the words and sentences they used didn't seem correct to me. They even mock of my place of origin.

But I learned a lot from that, very little related to SEO unfortunately, but now I know that those forums are made by the same guys that are looking for customers, they don't want to help at all, and the info you could get from the answers that are already there, are not the important ones, because, using some basic logic, they will always hide the answers that really work for themselves and for paying customers.

Some few hours ago I learned that I shouldn't tell them that we were trying to make people to buy salvia at BHB, because they are just greed people looking for the next big business, in other words, they're just machines hungry for money.

For any comment, you know what to do.

Thanks to all my fans, I know you're there.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Yes, I know you all missed me.

Let me tell you what happened, Friday night I entered to write my daily post in this blog, and I couldn't get online, I just couldn't. Then on Saturday I managed to get online but it was a variable speed, the pages frizzed when they were loading, or they didn't load at all.

That was a nightmare, I spent all of my work day on Saturday fighting with this problem.

I have a 3G technology internet on my laptop, I thought this was the best option, so I wouldn't go offline when I'm out of home, and it has been somewhat good, it has helped on some circumstances, but sometimes it gets too slow, depending on my location, because I read that I share the same IP with other users nearby.

Unfortunately, yesterday was the worst day, and is making me doubt about the reliability on this kind of internet system. I wouldn't discard it for what happened yesterday but I'll try not to change my location if not necessary.

I thank everyone who has bought salvia lately, because you're paying my salary and keep my boss away from yelling at me.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Comment on SEO.

One thing I'm realizing about SEO is that the results are not as tangible as they could be, but I think that's because I'm not experienced enough, I still don't know if what I'm doing right now, will give the results needed.

This is something I have to overcome, more than just understand all the texts about SEO on the web, I need to acquire some intuition about what's good for our website's unique circumstances.

It's not just a matter of knowing what the site's lacking of, or just to write "buy salvia" or "salvia extracts" in a site with good traffic.

I've been doing baby steps forward, but there's so much ahead, and my boss demands it, I'll try to stay constant on this, but this is a job with too many variables in the results. Hope that my boss understands that I'm not a pro, and that these little steps on SEO are great jumps for my formation.

This will be it for now, my crowd of readers. Leave a comment for any of the posts I've written. Specially if you're against my cranky boss.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

BHB Chat.Service.

As you should know by now, my main job at Black Hat Botanicals is to help our customers with info about Salvia Extracts, Kratom, shipping, payment options, etc. through our Chat Service.

To achieve this, we use Meebo platform, this way we keep in touch via chat with our customers in the website. I'm currently in Mexico and work from my home at Sinaloa. I use a laptop, wich I consider my office. My regular daily schedule starts from 9 am to 5 pm local time (-7 GMT, or Mountain US time). This is not a tight schedule, if required I can stay longer, specially if a customer is still online, they're always our priority.

Most of the questions I get are related to shipping, our payment options, etc. Our common way of receiving payments is throught Paypal.

I'll keep releasing info about my duties at BHB, for now this is it. If any questions, please leave a comment or send me an e-mail, I'll be glad to reply.

Have a good day!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Salvia strain?

Hello dear viewers. These last days have been a little rough, my boss is getting more and more obnoxious everyday. There have been some progress on our SEO strategies. And I'm confident that we'll be raising steadily our rank at Google's SE.

I had a customer yesterday that asked about Salvia strains, and Luna strain. I didn't exactly know what he was talking about at that time, I asked him to explain it with other words, he only managed to say the exact same thing again. The only thing I could do, was to Google it and then I knew what he meant, unfortunately, the customer logged out before I had time to answer his question, so I'll answer it right now, if it helps in some way.

In the middle of the last century, few people brought live salvia plants directly from Oaxaca Mexico to America for study or growing purposes. In the end they reach to reproduce salvia plant in a controlled environment.

The descendents from that original salvia plant took a different path from the silvester ones grown back in Oaxaca, they had slight differences, some in the leaf shape, others in the leaf taste and some with slight changes in salvinorin A potency. They take their name from the last name of the person who brought them from Mexico, or the breeder gives a rare name for commercial advertising purposes.

All in all, the strain is just for advertising live salvia plants, and there is not a sensible difference among them to pick one over the others.

We don't need to talk about our salvia divinorum strain because of two reasons:

- We don't currently sell salvia divinorum plants, we sell salvia extracts.
- Our salvia comes directly from Mazatec territory in Oaxaca, Mexico, that means we use completely silvester and high potency salvia divinorum leaves for our extracts.

If you want to buy salvia plants, we will sell our own soon, keep in touch with our Forum, we'll have quality live salvia plants, just like our salvia extracts are.

The 44th US President.

Today is an historic day, no only for America but for the whole world.

Barack Hussein Obama II is right now taking charge of the US administration. The common phrase all over the world around this event is: "I never thought it would happen in my life-time". Specially because the Bush's administration took away much of the world's hope in America, first because of the Irak issue, and then the economical crisis.

And Hope is Obama's introduction card to the world, furnished with the flag of change. A Hope that's not private to Americans, but to the whole world. This Hope he gives to the world, shold be enough for those with a glimpse of humanity, to feel good about Obama's arriving to the power the US presidency.

We're witnessing history, and we're part of it. My hope is that America embraces this opportunity of change, and reach a new level of civility and brotherhood. Because being America one of the more important countries in the world, if they progress, the rest of the world will follow.

The election of the first black American president, that changed the world's point of view to America. Now is really true that America, is the land of opportunities.

This is a tough task for Obama, he created big expectations, and because of this, he's not allowed to do anything less than that.

A few decades ago, an African-American had a dream, today, that dream became true. This teach us that we must never stop dreamming.

Dreams still come true, keep dreamming.

Congratulations America.

PD: Wow! I'm watching the musical play composed by John Williams with four great musicians: Itzhak Perlman, one of the greatest violinists of his time.Yo-Yo Ma, renowned cellist (Asian) Gabriela Montero, classical pianist known for her improvisation (Latin), and Anthony McGill, principal clarinetist of the New York Metropolitan Orchestra (Black). Performing together a work of art.

My dream is that the world as a whole is going to reach this kind of cooperation one day.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cell phone uses.

Today was a good day! Do you want to know why?

I'll tell you later, but before, I'll give you some uses you can give to your cell phone.

You know what a cell phone is for: Calling, texting, web surfing, chat, alarm, listen some music, or just to play games.

But I bet that you use it on some other ways that are not on the owner's manual.

Some of them are:

When you're in an awkward situation, like when you don't want to say 'hello' to the neighbor, you just pull out your cell and look busy.

Or when you're in a dark place, the cell's light can be used as a lamp.

Have you used it to defend yourself from dogs? If one of them barks to you, just play a ring tone, you'll see how it stops barking.

I guess I don't need to talk about the vibrator option... girls!

Do you know that you can check if a remote control is working by turning on your cell's camera and point the RC towards it an press any button? If you see a ray of light coming out of the RC, it's working.

You can make some sound devices to get the cell's code signal while you're calling. You can hear this: "tada ta, tada ta, tada ta" coming out of the speakers.

I saw a video on Youtube where you can pop a corn seed by putting it in the middle of three cells and making a multiple call to them. I'm not sure if that's real.

If you have some other ideas for cell phones, put them in the comments area, but please don't use it to throw it to your boyfriend when you're mad at him, it hurts a lot! (a friend of a friend told me that).

Ok, this are the good news, and this is why today is a good day!

We've reached page 9 on Google by using the keyword "salvia extracts" and that means that my work has been finally evaluated by Google.

But I want to make the same with other keywords like: salvia divinorum, buy salvia, and salvia. My boss told me to, and I feel more confident now, given the results we had today.

I'll be able to call myself a SEO specialist in no-time.

This would be all for today, if you have some suggestions about how improving my keywords, please leave a comment.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What's different about our salvia extracts?

Hi my readers, I think this is the question we all have when we have to decide when trying a new product or a different brand. Go for it.

Why buy our Salvia?
« on: November 20, 2008, 10:27:11 PM »

A common question we get at BHB is: Why should I buy Salvia extract from you?
To answer this question, we first have to understand that not all Salvia extracts are created equal.

Before you jump at that unbelievably low price from a Salvia shop you never heard of, you should ask yourself, what else am I getting? Low quality extracts are generally made with industrial (i.e. highly toxic) solvents like naphtha, methanol and various other petroleum distillates. Many of these chemicals are denatured, meaning that a poison is introduced specifically to prevent their use in small scale, food grade applications, like Salvia extract manufacturing. Designed for use as paint thinners or strippers, these heavy solvents are difficult to completely remove in the extraction process, and may remain on your cheap extract, finally making their way into your lungs. Yuck is right!

While non-standardized extract is cheaper to manufacture, it often contains many of the natural tars and resins which a high quality extraction process will filter out. This means you are getting less quality extract, and more gunk, all of which ends up in your lungs. These shady manufacturers figure they'll just make a quick buck, on the back of your coughing and wheezing.

Why deal with the unknown, when there is a cleaner, reasonably priced alternative? Our Salvia extracts are standardized, which mean you get exactly what you paid for. The content is analyzed to make sure you get the proper amount of the active ingredient per gram of extract. Multi-step filtration methods remove those tars and resins, which allows you to have a more comfortable and pleasurable experience. Match our high quality Salvia extract with one of our unique flavors, and you've got a tasty combination that's worth every penny.

Ready to buy Salvia extract? Head over our Salvia Product Page.

Got a cheap Salvia horror story? Share your experiences over at the General Discission Board.

If you have any comments or questions, please leave a comment.

Jokes on Salvia Extracts and more!

"The salvia extracts smoker, the alcoholic and the addict"

There were this three guys that died and went to hell. So the devil, assigned a place for every of them.

He said to the addict: "This is your room, it's filled up with all the drugs you need for 500 years".

Then he said to the alcoholic: "This is your room, it's filled with enough alcoholic beverages to last 500 years".

To the last guy, the Salvia smoker, he said: "This is your room, it's filled with enough Salvia Extracts (from of course) to make you trip for 500 years"

500 years later the devil returns to check what happened.

He went to the addict's room and he was dead, and the room empty.

Then he went to the alcoholic's one and he was dead, and the room empty also.

Then he went with the Salvia smoker, but oh surprise! He was alive! and the room exactly as it was 500 years earlier!

The devil amazed by this asked the Salvia smoker: "Why are you still alive?" The Salvia guy told him: "You forgot to leave a torch-lighter, or at least some matches, you idiot!

"The spinning house"

It was this guy, just hit by 60X of salvia extracts, looking at his house outside the front door, spinning his head. The neighbor, who didn't know what happened earlier with the salvia, approaches to this guy and ask him:

"Why are you just staring at your house, why don't you get in?

The salvia guy, just landing from the trip, reply: "I'm waiting for the house to stop spinning!"

Salvia Extracts users phrases:

"I read once that trying salvia extracts wasn't good, I don't read anymore since then."

"Please use Salvia with moderation... we are too many and there is not much of it"

"Let's make an anti-salvia campaign, let's empty the world of it!"

"I don't smoke, I only do it when I light on my BHB's salvia extracts"

"Please don't go into Salvia extracts, we are already too many, and there's so little"

"Hey! If you can kill a cow and eat it! Why can't we cut a Salvia plant and smoke it?"

What the heck is SEO?

Do you guys know what SEO is?

Me neither some weeks ago, but my boss told me to do some research about it and to master this thing.

SEO means: Search Engine's Optimization. In other words, it means that you do some changes in your site and everything related to it, focused on getting a better ranking on the Search Engines results, as an example, if you "Google" Salvia Extracts, the page ranked on first place usually gets most of the clicks, and that means more selling for that page.

Right after this point, everything gets very technical (meta tags, spiders, bots, On-site, Off-site, backlinking, etc.), and too much theories about what works and what doesn't (backlinking, On-site, linking exchange, quality links, etc.)

So you can imagine the trouble that I have by getting all this figured out, and then, to put it into practice.

If there's someone out there that knows a little more than the things I wrote above, I'll be glad to hear your tips. Specially about backlinking, which was the subject that my boss recommended me to master.

As always, I would like to know about you and your questions about the site (BHB) where I'm working. Personal questions are welcomed also.

News about my bosses blog!

Hello, buddies. I have great news, my boss just started a new blog.

He's American, so he writes a little better than me. You should be able to dig better his writings.

I could go on and on telling you about what my boss is, but check him yourselves.

His blog is He's easy on writings, though he doesn't have much free time. So that will give me a chance of competing him with my blog.

He will also write about salvia extracts, salvia divinorum, kratom, etc. He has a Chemistry degree, so I warn you, he could go very technical sometimes.

What can say about my boss, he signs my checks!

All yours, Manny J.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Salvia Tips for newbies.

Hello people! I just stole another article from our forum.

This one is for those guys that are going to experience salvia extracts for the first time. Enjoy it!

« on: December 23, 2008, 04:46:18 AM »

Salvia Tips for Newbies: Suggestions for an enjoyable experience

We keep getting requests for personalized suggestions in using Salvia Extract, so instead of coming up with a new answer every single time, we thought to publish our best tips for everyone to read. Add your tips as a comment and I'll add them to this list. Eventually, we'll graduate this list to the BHB Knowledge Base for everyone to use as a reference. If we get some good tips, maybe I'll break this up into sections that address each stage of the Salvia Extract experience. Let's make this as comprehensive as possible for the noobs!

-Find a Sitter you trust (a friend or relative)
-Use a glass pipe or bong for the best smoking experience
-Invest in a Butane lighter (to burn hotter and maximize vaporization of Salvinorins)
-Minimal lighting helps intensify experience
-Turn off distractions (TV, cell phone, etc.)
-Relaxing music helps set the mood (something by Enigma?)
-Be in a safe environment (your home, friend's home, etc.)
-Look at yourself in a mirror to break a mild Salvia "high" and get back to reality
-Once you inhale the smoke, hold it in 20-30 seconds
-At the first instant you feel something, take another hit fast (while you still can!)
-If you're not "breaking through", you're doing something wrong (light, music, loud friends, etc.)
-If you're laughing uncontrollably, focus and take another hit, or you'll keep laughing without breaking through (tell your sitter to step out for a bit if this helps you to focus)

For the purposes of this list, we're assuming you're using Salvia Extract, not leaf, tinctures, etc.
If you don't have Salvia Extract, what are you waiting for?

Head over to the Salvia Product Page and get some salvia extract.
We've even got a Newbie Pack, and as the name implies, it's perfect for newbies.


I hope this info helps you decide on trying salvia.

If you have any questions, please leave a note on the comments box.


More about Salvia

This last Thursday was a rough day. It seemed as if all the world was against me. But I think this wasn't just my personal view, some of the people that I know had a bad Thursday also.

I have a theory about this, I think that the universe has it's negative lapses, and that day was one of those breaks on our imperfect existence. It even took part of Friday's time to things begin returning to it's "regular" status.

I'm not sure if this is true, since I can't have contact with everybody all over the world to hold this as a fact.

If you agree with me, let me know on the messages box. Even if you don't agree, let me know, don't be shy.

I'm here to learn.

As an example for this, that day we got a huge order of salvia extracts from Belgium, paid through Paypal. We didn't even have time to smile when Paypal reversed the payment, arguing that it was for our safety. We really hope that all this is a misunderstanding and get this customer back to re-order.

I feel as if the guy above is playing with us, just like we play with dogs hanging a piece of meat at a height a little higher than it can reach, just to have fun watching it jump.

What do you think?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Starting with Salvia Extracts

Hey fellas, wake up! I'm back!

I stole this article from our site's forum, (don't tell my boss) hope you enjoy it.

The Truth about "Sticky Salvia"

NOTE: This article is not a hit piece on Purple Sticky. They are a respectable company and a worthy competitor, offering a large selection of items we don't stock, like sexual party products, health and detox formulas, etc. Our only problem is with the way they, and many other companies, market their "sticky salvia".

Purple What?

One of the most popular brands of Salvia Extracts, often sold through mom and pop smoke shops, but offered online as well, is Purple Sticky Salvia. Although Purple Sticky started around the same time that we did, they combined aggressive marketing and their location in California (well known for its large number of smoke shops) to spread their products and name brand, fast.

So effective have they been, that literally hundreds of smoke shops around America now stock Purple Sticky Salvia Extract. How do we know? Because we keep flipping those customers to buy from us instead! How do we do that? Simply by educating the smoke shop owner about salvia extracts, how they are manufactured, what they should look for in a quality extract, and why "sticky salvia" is ripping them blind.

Sticky Salvia

Have you ever wondered what makes "Sticky Salvia"... well, sticky? For anyone with a bachelor's degree in Chemistry (and yes, we've got ours), the answer is obvious. First, however, let's read through this promotional material Purple Sticky sends out to retailers:

"Some companies claim to sell 10x and 20x. However, with crude salvia only one extract can be made based on the quality and quantity of the leaf. These companies sell some as 10x and some as 20x, hoping none realizes the exact amount of the active component Salvinorin-A.

One can tell which is 10x and which is 20x, because the color of Salvinorin-A is black.

For example, 20x should be twice as dark as 10x. An informed person can clearly see this difference! Moreover, upon depositing Salvinorin-A onto non-pulverized leaf, differentiating between 5x and 10x is difficult, since the flakes of green leaf obscure the color. Companies that sell cheap salvia extracts rely on this

The first time we read this, we thought it was a joke. To start, Salvinorin-A is crystalline white, like fine sugar, not black! It doesn't have a color. That means no matter how much salvinorin-A you dump on green leaf, the color of the extract should remain relatively constant.

In fact, the only perceptable change you should see is tiny little crystals of salvinorin-A reflecting light off the leaf surface, like hundreds of little sparkles.

"Black" is Bad

Where is this "black" coming from that Purple Sticky is talking about? It's not the Salvinorin-A, so what is it? What's black in a leaf? Natural tars, resins and waxes - to get technical, lipids. Tars, resins, waxes... that explains where the "sticky" comes from. So what?

Well, normally, these lipids would be filtered out in the extraction process. For example, here at BHB we use several different levels of filtration to separate out these lipids, along with other impurities, to prevent them from contaminating our extract.

Why is removing these natural tars and waxes so important? Because if we don't remove them, this black gunk will end up in your lungs! Your body will forcibly cough it up, if you're lucky, but in the meantime those tars will act like a toxin, leaching poisons into your bloodstream. Is that what you want? We didn't think so.

In addition to the health aspect, you should view this from an economic sense also. Let's say you buy 1 gram of extract. Well, if 20% of this 1gram is harmful tars and waxes, you actually bought only 0.8grams of extract. In other words, you wasted 20% of your money! By cleaning the extract to remove these impurities, you're getting the full product value for your money.

Any way you look at it, BLACK IS BAD!

Marketing Shmarketing

So, now that we understand that "black is bad", why would Purple Sticky tell their customers that black is good? Like we wrote before, anyone with a bachelor's degree in Chemistry would know that black=lipids=unhealthy. And here we get to the bottom line.

Purple Sticky doesn't filter their extract to remove these unhealthy impurities. That's why their extract is black and sticky. Why don't they filter the extract? Maybe they don't know how, or maybe they don't care about your health. That's a question only they can answer. The worst part, from our standpoint, is that they and other companies purposely MISLEAD customers about what is a high quality extract. They try to claim that their product is good by lying about what a good product is. That's like a coal company saying that coal is clean because all the toxic byproducts that get smokestacked into the atmosphere are actually good for us. In other words, they compensate for a poor product with excellent (misleading) marketing.

This is a serious accusation to make, but we stand by it. With the amount of money Purple Sticky makes, there is no reason why they can't afford to make clean, high quality extract. They screw their salvia extract customers, and that's the bottom line.

At BHB, you're not going to get a "sticky", "black" Salvia extract. With us, you will always get the best extract we know how to produce. How can you tell? Look closely at our extract under a light. You see all those sparkles? Those are pure salvinorin-A crystals. The higher the extract strength (5x, 10x, 20x, etc.), the more crystals you will see. That's how you tell a quality extract, and that quality is what you will get from us.

Ready to buy Salvia extract? Head over our Salvia Product Page.

Got a "sticky salvia" horror story? Share your experiences over at the General Discission Board.

NOTE: Please keep in mind that in this article, we are discussing natural Salvia Extract. Flavored Salvia Extracts are processed differently from natural extracts. For example, our Strawberry extract flavoring contains sweeteners and other FDA Approved food additives which can affect the color or texture of the extract. These are not similar to the tars and waxes we are discussing in this article, and are added to improve your experience in using our products.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2008, 03:20:22 PM by blackhatbotanicals »


Ok my friends, if you have any questions about this text, you can do that on "comments", and I'll answer for sure.

Good morning!

Hey, just a quick post before I start working.

I'll start another post explaining what I know about Salvia Divinorum.

For anyone with questions about it, please leave a comment, even for personal questions, I'd like to meet people also.

Wish you to have a great day!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Yes, I shouldn't have done that!

This is my third post, and I feel at home already!

After a long workday writing all kind of explanations, it's relaxing just to write the events of my day. All started by this guy from our distribution center, asking me about Mexico, that if it's true that it's on the brink of political disaster. I didn't know what to say, I just live here, never happened something violent to myself or my family. But I realized that in the US have a wrong view of what's happening on my country. I don't want to waste the rest of this blog explaining all of this, but on the next ones I'll be letting you know my answers to all the questions about this subject.

Later this day, I attended this customer, asking for his package of salvia, and this guy went right to the point: "I'm mad, and I want to know why I haven't received my package!" So, of course part of my job is to ease things, calm the storm, you know, usual stuff, so I just ask his data, order date and number, he gave it to me and I saw at our database that this guy lives outside the US, that's why he was confused, he thought that the shipment would arrive 3-5 days, which is true, but just within the US, outside of it 5-7 business days, unless they buy $25 EMS Shipping, plus there is no tracking number for international orders, they told me that it may take up to 2 weeks sometimes. I won't bother you with details of my job right now, but I explained all this to him and he seemed satisfied with my answer.

In the end, this customer was relaxed and pleased with the info, and I felt proud that things went from bad to good, and not the other way around. I even direct him to our forum because he had some questions about our extraction process.

By the way, I think I can teach you a little about salvia divinorum, because most of people doesn't know anything about it. But that will be on my later posts.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Not a common day.

Ok fellas, I came late to work today. I had this things to do for my girl and they took me all the morning.

So when I got online to work, yes, there was my boss, so I had to explain all the things I had to do on the morning, so he won't take all those hours out of my paycheck.

He was a reasonable man after all, I was preparing for the usual preach, but he was magnanimous. I think he was in good mood.

Now, when I started to work, that was new! One of our customers was asking about his package, when he was going to have it. All those people are so crazy about salvia extracts I'm new on the job and I still don't have all the answers, so I had to put him on hold and call our distribution center to check everything's ok, but when I got the info the customer didn't answer, he didn't even logged out the chat. I was like crazy writing: "Hello?" "Anybody there?", but nothing.

My boss asked me if everything was ok, I told him about that person, who by the way didn't leave other data than his order no. But the boss helped me to put all together and we agree on sending him an e-mail with all the data he requested.

You may think that was it, but no, half an hour later, the customer showed up and I asked him what happened, he just said "Sorry, I had to go out" So I let him know our resolution about his case and everything continued normal from there.

I was worried this guy had a heart-attack or fainted right in front of his pc.

By the way, I would be glad that some of you could help me on my English, it has been a long time since I wrote this much, and English is my second language. Any advice will help, since I would like to be a good writer.

Have a nice day!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Hello everyone! The world out there!

I always wanted to write a dairy, but as a man, it sounded girlish to me. I think this is the reason I'm writing now, I can't hide I like to write. I have some free time between my work hours, and I realize that this is the right time to start giving something of what I receive.

Most of them are though and stressful questions by the way. The main reason I need to write is as a distraction, and as an scape valve to keep stress away from driving me crazy.

So I'll talk mainly about my job and all related to it, I know you won't get bored about this, I never get bored here, if you follow me, you'll see why.

For now, it would be all, you'll be knowing about me more and more, and I hope you can write some comments about me or my problems. That would make me feel I'm not the only one with life pressures.

Hey! Are you still here? Go away! I'm done for now!