Saturday, January 17, 2009

Salvia Tips for newbies.

Hello people! I just stole another article from our forum.

This one is for those guys that are going to experience salvia extracts for the first time. Enjoy it!

« on: December 23, 2008, 04:46:18 AM »

Salvia Tips for Newbies: Suggestions for an enjoyable experience

We keep getting requests for personalized suggestions in using Salvia Extract, so instead of coming up with a new answer every single time, we thought to publish our best tips for everyone to read. Add your tips as a comment and I'll add them to this list. Eventually, we'll graduate this list to the BHB Knowledge Base for everyone to use as a reference. If we get some good tips, maybe I'll break this up into sections that address each stage of the Salvia Extract experience. Let's make this as comprehensive as possible for the noobs!

-Find a Sitter you trust (a friend or relative)
-Use a glass pipe or bong for the best smoking experience
-Invest in a Butane lighter (to burn hotter and maximize vaporization of Salvinorins)
-Minimal lighting helps intensify experience
-Turn off distractions (TV, cell phone, etc.)
-Relaxing music helps set the mood (something by Enigma?)
-Be in a safe environment (your home, friend's home, etc.)
-Look at yourself in a mirror to break a mild Salvia "high" and get back to reality
-Once you inhale the smoke, hold it in 20-30 seconds
-At the first instant you feel something, take another hit fast (while you still can!)
-If you're not "breaking through", you're doing something wrong (light, music, loud friends, etc.)
-If you're laughing uncontrollably, focus and take another hit, or you'll keep laughing without breaking through (tell your sitter to step out for a bit if this helps you to focus)

For the purposes of this list, we're assuming you're using Salvia Extract, not leaf, tinctures, etc.
If you don't have Salvia Extract, what are you waiting for?

Head over to the Salvia Product Page and get some salvia extract.
We've even got a Newbie Pack, and as the name implies, it's perfect for newbies.


I hope this info helps you decide on trying salvia.

If you have any questions, please leave a note on the comments box.


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