I'll tell you later, but before, I'll give you some uses you can give to your cell phone.
You know what a cell phone is for: Calling, texting, web surfing, chat, alarm, listen some music, or just to play games.
But I bet that you use it on some other ways that are not on the owner's manual.
Some of them are:
When you're in an awkward situation, like when you don't want to say 'hello' to the neighbor, you just pull out your cell and look busy.
Or when you're in a dark place, the cell's light can be used as a lamp.
Have you used it to defend yourself from dogs? If one of them barks to you, just play a ring tone, you'll see how it stops barking.
I guess I don't need to talk about the vibrator option... girls!
Do you know that you can check if a remote control is working by turning on your cell's camera and point the RC towards it an press any button? If you see a ray of light coming out of the RC, it's working.
You can make some sound devices to get the cell's code signal while you're calling. You can hear this: "tada ta, tada ta, tada ta" coming out of the speakers.
I saw a video on Youtube where you can pop a corn seed by putting it in the middle of three cells and making a multiple call to them. I'm not sure if that's real.
If you have some other ideas for cell phones, put them in the comments area, but please don't use it to throw it to your boyfriend when you're mad at him, it hurts a lot! (a friend of a friend told me that).
Ok, this are the good news, and this is why today is a good day!
We've reached page 9 on Google by using the keyword "salvia extracts" and that means that my work has been finally evaluated by Google.
But I want to make the same with other keywords like: salvia divinorum, buy salvia, and salvia. My boss told me to, and I feel more confident now, given the results we had today.
I'll be able to call myself a SEO specialist in no-time.
This would be all for today, if you have some suggestions about how improving my keywords, please leave a comment.
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