Hello dear readers. Yes, I work on Sundays also. My boss is quite bossy.
I rest on Saturdays, but is not what you would call "resting" is more like a day to do with personal stuff that I can't do while working on weekdays.
So I disable my clock alarm on Friday night so I can sleep a little bit more on Saturday Morning. My problem is that sometimes I forget to set it up on Saturday night to wake up on time on Sundays. And this just happened today.
I woke up exactly at the time I was supposed to be working, and I had to do everything in fast forward motion, I didn't have a breakfast, didn't shower, etc. But I got here about half an hour late anyway.
Then when I turned on my laptop I saw my google calendar with big red letters that "Daylight time savings ends today"
So in fact I got here half an hour earlier!! I wanted to go back and sleep a little more but nah! I'm sure my boss is rubbing his hands with this free work-time I'm doing.
Ok I have to go now, I need to put some salvia on vials.
Have a great day.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Cold salvia.

The last couple of weeks have been extremely cold, at least in my point of view.
The lab has an outlet for hot air with an old steel fan. It's just a hole in the wall with a fan pointing out to help circulate the air and bad odors.
It was fine on summer, but now is the main source of cold air to the lab. It has a sort of aluminum blinds that shout down when the fan is not working, but they're not designed to keep cold air outside.
So I patched it, I used carton paper and duct tape to seal the hole.
Now it's not that cold, but I think the patch has nothing to do with it but the weather that got up a little since last weekend.
We'll see how that patch works with real snowing weather, unfortunately I'll be the one suffering the consequences if it fails.
I'll let you know the outcome.
Now, if you receive frozen Salvia Extracts in your next order, you know why.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
New pages added old pages renewed, more salvia extracts
I know you missed me, no need to say anything.
Sorry! I was busy! Learning how to make salvia extracts and packaging kratom and rivea. It's easy to do all those stuff separately, but once you have to make all of them in one day, it's not easy anymore.
That added to my previous job attending people at our chat customer service and some other internet-related stuff made these past days close to a nightmare.
This blog was the one who had to pay the toll of all this frenzy. And this is why I haven't written my stuff before.
We've added a Facebook, Youtube and Stumbleupon buttons to our main page, not just that, but we also added a Twitter plugin to keep you up-to-date on our promotions and special offers.
We also separated salvia page into Live Salvia Plants and Salvia Extracts, and we converted this page into a new one with all of our products, still called of course: Products page.
We have some other plans in the near future but our economic situation is not at its best, so they'll have to wait a couple of weeks.
I hope I can continue writing here forever, since I like to write, doesn't matter that sometimes you laugh on my bad English writing skills.
Monday, August 31, 2009
The best job in the world!!

I'm in charge of manufacturing salvia extracts at our lab in Black Hat Botanicals since 2 months ago.
It was a little bit difficult to learn everything because the steps to follow looked easy, but you know what they say about things that look easy. Well, I already learned them, some of them the hard way.
Today I was talking to my boss, brainstorming new ideas to continue with our success in the herbal extract industry, and I popped up a question that I've had in my mind for a month or so.
I told my boss that I was afraid that the quality of our products could diminish a bit with this change of manufacturer, since he used to be in charge of that part of the process from a long time ago, at least on the supervision area and we always had good reviews from our customers.
Now he's into other things and he let me in charge of salvia extracts and other herbs production and I had that doubt. I told him that I would like him to check the product like a "quality control" test.
He was ok with that, he told me to get him some product I've done lately. I get him a container for our 10X and he got a glass pipe, I asked him what he was going to do with the glass pipe. He said that he was going to test the quality of the salvia. I said that I didn't mean that, I was just asking him to take a look to the extracts I made and compare it to the one he used to do.
He said he could do that, but it was better to smoke it and compare the quality of the trip itself.
Well, as he is the boss, What could I do, right? I told him I'll be the sitter. He took one of our new glass pipes and put some 10x in it, then he lighted it.
I was worried because it was the first time I see someone smoking salvia next to me, I've just watched them in Youtube and it looked like fun, but in reality I was a little nervous about my performance as a newbie sitter.
And yes, he was there going up on the trip and I was telling him to pass me the glass pipe and the lighter, which he forgot to put in the floor, and I had to tell him at least a couple of times before he finally did it.
To be my first time as a sitter it was a busy one, he stood up once, so I had to say: "sit down" he did it, then said something like: "What did I smoke, what did I smoke?" I said: "Salvia" and he said: "oh!" then he stood up again and I said "sit down" again, fortunately for both of us, he understood what I said, even if he didn't seem to be listening at all, so he sat down again.
He started to say: "Do we sell this thing? It's awesome!" I was focused on watching him and to prevent any accident so I didn't answer.
Then, when I thought everything was settling down he stood up for the third time, I told him to keep sat down but he didn't listen this time, he said he was ok, and I believed him at first, but then he start's laughing at me, he said: "Yes, I'm ok, but you look like a doctor and you're watching me" (I was wearing my lab coat) It didn't make sense at that time, I had to stand up and ask him to sit down again, which now he did.
Then the effect passed out, he stood up and looked out the window, and said: "man! this is good $hit!" So, what's better quality description for a product than that? Specially if said by the man who pays you to manufacture it.
But it didn't end there, while he was recovering from it, I told him that I envy him because I tried salvia before and I've never got a good trip. So he said: "ok, do it now" but I was like unsure. I told him that I don't like to do it with so many distractions surrounding me (daylight, street noise, and specially him looking at me).
After a lot of thinking I finally decided to do it, my boss lowered the blinds and he told me he would be in the other room just in case. I agreed and smoked some of it, he told me it was too much and I let some smoke go. I kept it in my lungs around 20 seconds and waited but I didn't feel anything. I went to my boss and told him the bad news, he told me that I didn't smoke enough and I should try again. I did it again but nothing happened, I just felt a little drunk.
Both of the experiences happened in less than 1 hour but I learned a lot. Specially by being a sitter. This is what I learned:
When you're a sitter, you should never think you know what the smoker is going to do, it happened to me with the pipe and lighter and after that with the standing ups. It's better if you talk about what to do with the pipe/bong and lighter/matches minutes (to put them in the floor, table or hand it to you) before the person you're taking care of starts smoking, he or she is gonna have some seconds of awareness to do this before the experience starts.
When the person stands up, at least with my boss, he understood perfectly when I told him to sit down the first couple of times, but in the third one it took longer to respond.
This tells me two things: as a sitter you can try to talk, warn or yell in case of a danger as a first resource. But you must not get too confident that the smoker is gonna listen all of the time, like he didn't that third time.
I was impressed that he always talked coherently, something that most of the people I've seen on youtube videos couldn't do.
We talked about our experiences some minutes after and he told me that he felt he was swinging back and forth, and that he was passing through 3 different realities, back being one, the middle another and the front another one, which it was the one I was in. He said that he felt he could choose any of the three to be in. Then he told me what he was seeing when he was standing up the third time laughing at me. He said that I looked like a doctor, and when I stood up and told him to sit down, with my body ready to catch him up in case he tripped or run, I looked like one of those nurses from mental hospitals trying to catch the crazy guy to prevent him to hurt himself. That was to a certain point true and after he told me that I also laughed about it.
Then we discuss about why I couldn't have the same experience he had using the very same product. My thought is that my lifestyle is not the same than his. He's way more spiritual than me, he keeps some special diet and prays, and don't drink too much, and on the contrary, I drank last week when my girlfriend came to spend her vacations here, and I eat anything that moves. I read that sex and drinking habits among other food choices had to do with the outcome of Salvia experiences. I'll read more about this and make some experiments with myself to let you know what's the best way of having the best Salvia experience ever.
And finally, he told me "what other job can you have where the boss smokes up with you? in fact, orders you to smoke!"
Yes, I completely agree. Too bad that I'm not working at Porsche's, I'd be driving like crazy on some race track against my boss!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Live Salvia Plants

We'll be posting tips on how to grow salvia plants in this blog and at our forum.
Here's an introduction to our new product.
"So, you've tried Salvia Divinorum leaf, perhaps even experimented with our Salvia Divinorum Extract, but have you actually held a live Salvia Divinorum plant in your hands, nurtured it with tender care, and snipped just what was needed for the freshest experience available short of a trip down to Mexico? For the true Salvia connoisseur we are proud to offer large, live Salvia Divinorum plants that have are fully grown and well branched.
These are not the fragile, sickly young seedlings sold elsewhere. These hardy, well rooted plants have never known a basement dungeon, nor faced the frigid chills of winter's wrath. A lot of time, effort, and love has gone into raising these beauties, and it shows. Reared in a sunlit greenhouse, with plenty of water and gardening expertise."
More products are on their way. Please comment.
Monday, August 3, 2009
New product: Argyreia nervosa

A cousin of Rivea corymbosa and Morning Glory, Argyreia nervosa, commonly known as Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds (HBWS), is quite well dispersed around the globe. Used in traditional medicines from India to Ghana, Australia, Madagascar and Hawaii, HBWS have recently been growing in popularity.
We've been able to obtain two high quality supplies of HBWS - one Indian, the other Hawaiian. Lovers of HBWS will tell you that the Hawaiian variety is more prized. Still our Indian strain is well respected and provides a lower cost alternative to those less picky in such matters. Whichever strain you choose, you'll be thanking us later.
Argyreia nervosa,
exotic herbs,
Morning Glory,
Rivea Corymbosa
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Good time to buy salvia.

The sales are low, not enough to be scared but low enough.
I think it's because all our customers rather go to the beach than buy salvia to get the best of the raylights of these great summer.
I don't blame them, I also go out on my free day to get some skin burned, and to check out some ladies skin in the process.
But I bet you didn't know about our last offer. It was a limited time offer through our newsletter to all of the people who's bought from us and their friends who were forwarded to. It had a great response, but not as great as it could've been.
I strongly recommend you to check your e-mail for more of our great offers granted on our newsletter.
You should also stay in touch with this blog, who knows, maybe we could announce a promo when least expected.
For now that's all, please comment.
Hasta luego!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tornados in Milwaukee!

This time was different and they were broadcasting a tornado alert, very close to our place to not to worry.
Fortunately my boss was here and I asked him about the possibility of a tornado in this area. He just answered:
"Umm... between summer and winter we have a lot of tornadoes in Wisconsin"
and I was like:
Then he said:
"I didn't want to tell you this before because you probably wouldn't come to Wisconsin, but don't worry, tornadoes usually kill around 50 people a year"
Am I supposed to be relieved by that?
I barely squeezed through the H1N1 flu to be here and be killed by a tornado?
Come on!!
Any comments would be appreciated, specially on how to make a tornado-proof shelter.
buy salvia,
flavored salvia,
salvia trip,
Monday, July 27, 2009
Salvia in Wisconsin.

I'm in Milwaukee working with salvia now, and I'll talk about this in later posts, but this one is to tell you about my flight experience.
I've never flown before and I was excited about the experience, that's why I asked for window seats. But unfortunately, as I told you in a former post, I didn't make it on time, and they put me as stand-by passenger, without the possibility of choice my one seat number.
My bad luck didn't end there, because I got the seat between the window and the aisle, that also means to be between 2 persons, they were both women.
And as the travel was with one stop in Atlanta to change airplanes, I also had to go in the middle seat, surrounded by, again, 2 women, (not complaining).
I thought that the take-off was going to be the hardest part, but it wasn't, just the taxiing was a little shaky.
Being in the air was pleasant and I could see a little bit through the window Los Angeles night lights. I was impressed, and I was like a kid looking the sea for the first time.
All the time while in the air was smooth and quiet, and being my first flight, that helps my confidence in airplanes.
It was an excellent experience, I hope is not the last.
Now I'm here preparing the salvia that you may be using in the future.
Have a great week, please leave some comments.
Back and busier with salvia extracts.

I can tell why our products are above the average (to say the least) because our production system and lab equipment ensures the highest quality on salvia extracts.
My boss was being humble (which is rare) when talking about the double filtration methode, in fact there's more than that.
I won't go into much detail because we don't want to be copied, but what I can tell you this is profesional grade manufacturing.
My boss is planning to get new equipment to withstand the demand for salvia extracts and ensure that no order gets delayed.
Please leave your comments, I know you missed me, I missed you too.

buy salvia,
salvia divinorum,
salvia extracts
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
My journey to LAX

This is the chronicle:
I woke up at 5 am, because I needed to check if the money I was waiting for was already available at the ATM. With the coincidence that my sister wakes up at that hour to move her car, for another car to go out of the garage. She offered that I drive there instead of taking the bus and come back. So I gladly accepted, it was fast, and the money was there.
Til then, everything was ok, but then everything changed, but in little amounts of time, I have to set clear that there's no other person responsible about what happened than me.
My sister offered herself to give me a ride to the border, which I also accepted, because it'd save me a lot of time, unfortunately, I forgot that ladies don't go out anywhere looking like they just woke up. So she took a bath, I can credit her that she did it fast enough. But then she wanted to pass for her friend because she didn't know how to get to the border.
But guess what! the guy had to take a shower also, and we have to wait for him around 20 mins, it was early enough anyway, but her friend proposed that I should not go without having a breakfast, and then I started hesitating about my time. Unfortunately I make some calculations and I ended thinking that I had enough time to get to the LAX on time.
All this was taking away all the time ahead I had, so slowly, that I didn't realize when it was 9 AM already, even so I thought it was enough time to get to my destination.
Crossed the border, bought the bus ticket to LA, and it went out at 9 30, the lady on the counter said that the bus would take 3 hours to get there, so that would be 12 30 right? Maths don't fail!
Well, they did. It was the traffic hour on the freeway number 5 and it delayed the bus enough to get me desperate, so I thought on a plan B, to get off the bus on Santa Ana station, which also is a train station, to get the metrolink and get to Union Station ( the place where the buses going to LAX depart ) in no time.
So I told the driver that I wanted my luggage because I was staying in Santa Ana, the guy asked me: "are you sure?" I said "yes" and I went to the ticket screen to check what time the next metrolink would depart. It said that the next one would depart 3 hours from that time. I thought: "Damn!" So I checked the Amtrak schedule, which is a little more expensive but it passes more frequently, but the next one was going to leave at 12 30 arriving to Union Station at 1:30. So from plan B, I had to go back to plan A, and I went back to the bus, that fortunately for me, stays 10 mins on every station, so, I did all of the above in less than 10 mins.
I asked the driver if I could go back in, he said that it was ok, he asked what happened, I explained to him that I wanted to reach to the airport the fastest possible, he told me that he could leave me 5 blocks away from Union Station, that he would let me know where.
The problem was that the freeway 5 traffic was heavy, it slowed us too much, as agreed, the driver told me: "this is it, take that street, 5 blocks to the right, and you'll see Union Station"
It was nearly 1 PM when this happened, I arrived to Union Station around 1:15, and the next bus to the airport was leaving at 1:30, my plane was going to take off at 1:50.
So, no chance to get there on time. I got the the airport check-in around 2:10.
With all the shame in the world I showed my printed receipt to the lady in charge and she said that they won't have any planes until 10:30 which is the one I'm waiting for here at the LAX.
I'll let you know some other things I saw here, if other situation, this would've been fun specially with salvia extracts.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
My DL problem.

The lack of response from the DMV to solve my driver license problem has a glimpse of discrimination, I sorry to pop up that subject but the repeated cases where I wanted a clear explanation with no results drove me to this matter.
I'm not saying that the whole country is discriminatory, not even a certain part of the population, I'll go directly on some of the public servers that treated me with no ethics nor patience.
I guess they think that if they delay or manage to avoid the delivery of that card would be a good for their fellows citizens. That I will go back to my country or at least make harder my chances to success in the US, allowing with this to some real Americans to get a job.
Nothing more far from the truth, the problem with this is that you already have a problem, you have that guy in your country, and if he's prone to commit an ID theft, what else wouldn't he do? Is that protection to your fellows?
In the other hand, if I've already fixed this problem, that guy would be in jail sooner or later, right after he's caught by the police he'll be identified as the author of an ID theft crime and he would be in jail for a longer time, and perharps even deported.
If you want in your country an illegal guy, who's gonna keep doing DUI and ID thefts instead of a person who went to your Embassy to get a Visa, then to the border to get the I-94, then to the DMV for a DL to abide American laws, so be it.
Meanwhile I'll buy salvia extracts and relax from all this nonsense.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I dreamed I ...
I had a dream about a month ago. I dreamed something unusual.
I was fixing the front cover of the old air conditioner in my room, it fell almost every day, so I decided to put it back.
But I wasn´t wearing any shoes, the floor was wet and the a/c was connected and working. I tried to pull the cable away from the wall, to avoid any electrical shock.
But then my girlfriend stomp in the room screamming: "What happened?" "Why..."
I answered without looking at her: "Is nothing, I was just..." I didn´t finish that phrase when I hear my girlfriend sobbing and crying.
I had to turn around and I saw her right by my side hugging a dead body on the floor. It was my dead body.
But instead of asking myself what or how this happenned, I started yelling: "Damn! Why did I had to leave her! How could I be so stupid and reckless with the a/c!" "I´m dead, and I left her alone, how stupid I am"
Meanwhile, in the room everything was moving in fast forward motion, I saw that the fire man entered took out my body, the sun was going down pretty quickly until it stationed in an angle that gave a sense of an eternal crepuscle inside the room.
And I staid in that same place in front of the a/c punishing myself with remorse and phrases by being such a stupid boyfriend, dying so early with so many future plans.
I don´t know how weird this sounds, but I guess this is better than being under Salvia Divinorum effects.
If you have any comments, please let me know.
Sorry for the lack of logos, I don´t know what kind of prob this pc has, so I had to leave it like this.
I was fixing the front cover of the old air conditioner in my room, it fell almost every day, so I decided to put it back.
But I wasn´t wearing any shoes, the floor was wet and the a/c was connected and working. I tried to pull the cable away from the wall, to avoid any electrical shock.
But then my girlfriend stomp in the room screamming: "What happened?" "Why..."
I answered without looking at her: "Is nothing, I was just..." I didn´t finish that phrase when I hear my girlfriend sobbing and crying.
I had to turn around and I saw her right by my side hugging a dead body on the floor. It was my dead body.
But instead of asking myself what or how this happenned, I started yelling: "Damn! Why did I had to leave her! How could I be so stupid and reckless with the a/c!" "I´m dead, and I left her alone, how stupid I am"
Meanwhile, in the room everything was moving in fast forward motion, I saw that the fire man entered took out my body, the sun was going down pretty quickly until it stationed in an angle that gave a sense of an eternal crepuscle inside the room.
And I staid in that same place in front of the a/c punishing myself with remorse and phrases by being such a stupid boyfriend, dying so early with so many future plans.
I don´t know how weird this sounds, but I guess this is better than being under Salvia Divinorum effects.
If you have any comments, please let me know.
Sorry for the lack of logos, I don´t know what kind of prob this pc has, so I had to leave it like this.
buy salvia,
salvia divinorum,
salvia extracts
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Our page is #1 in Google with: "Flavored Salvia Extracts"

This is a great news, but not for my boss. Our page is # 1 in Google and MSN with one keyword, but the funny thing is that I haven't done anything to place it in that rank.
That keyword is: "Flavored Salvia Extracts" I guess that this is a result from my on-site SEO, but I can't be completely sure, because if this were the reason, I would've adapted all the other keywords to my on-site strategy.

I said that my boss is not as happy because he wants our web site to be # 1 in every main keyword, which I failed to do, but we're on the first page for most of them and that's a fairly good job for someone without SEO experience.
If you have any comments, please let me know. I'll be glad to answer any of your questions.
Have a great weekend.
buy salvia,
flavored salvia,
salvia divinorum,
salvia extracts,
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Living in Tijuana, with salvia extracts.

It seems it hasn't changed at all, unless, maybe the number of cars on the street and the number of holes on the pave.
There is the same transportation system called "calafias", but the old taxies are now vans.
They're revamping some of the main streets but the majority of them are still useless for the growing car traffic needs.
There are tourists, but not as much as early this century. Personally, I can't tell if the crisis has hit this place because it seems that in Tijuana has always been in crisis.
If you have any comments, please do.
buy salvia,
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Identity theft!!

In my travels to America for business, specially to buy salvia, I knew that most of illegals immigrants use fake or stolen SSN to be able to work there.
But I got a big surprise when I went to the DMV to renew my driver license. This was not the first time I've renewed my DL, so, I was very confident on getting it without hassles.
Unfortunately, this was not the case, when I got to the DMV desk, after waiting in line for about 2 hours, they told me that my DL was suspended because of DUI, that I needed the SR_22 to prove that my record was clean. And I thought: "wait a minute, I have never driven DUI, much less caught"
So, being this the first time it happened I didn't know what was next, so I asked the teller what to do if that guy wasn't me, and he would probably used my DL number to get away from being in jail.
She gave me a court case number and the Court's phone number to ask for info about the case. I called the next day, and they said that I must be in person at the court before 9:00 AM.
That sounds easy, but if you're in Tijuana, and the Court is in Santa Ana, CA, that's another story. I had to wake up at 4:00 AM 1 hour to take a bath and put my clothes on, another one to get to the border, 2 hours to get to Santa Ana, and half an hour to get to the court, that gives me to 8:30.
They attended me very well, but there was too many people before me waiting for their cases to be solved by the Judge. So I finished the Court case around midday, but I ended up very glad about the American justice system. It turned out that the guy that used my name was one former roommate.
Finally, they gave me a paper where they release me of all responsibility on the case, I went to the DMV office right after, but they said that I must wait a couple of days to apply for a DL renewal, because the Court's data wasn't received already.
Anyway, I feel relieved that all this nuisance is over, and I will take more care about my personal data in the future.
Wish you a great weekend and sorry I wasn't here sooner, I've been traveling a lot, so much, that my boss is jealous.
buy salvia,
exotic herbs,
salvia divinorum,
salvia extracts
Sunday, May 31, 2009

To give you an idea of how things are done around here, they ask the people living in the street they plan to pave for the half of the cost to get the job done, but if one of us can't or don't want to pay, they won't do anything at all.
This was our case for several years, even one time, several years ago, they asked for money, we gave our part, but it was a fraud. Yes, we never saw that money again, and to think about report them to the police, hey, it's Mexico I'm talking about!
Well, now we manage to gather the money for our government to work, and they took away around 3 feet of our street, that means that we don't have a street right now, we have a hole of the size of our street, we hope they finish in some months, but we're in Mexico, and we know that we'd lucky if they finish before storm season.
Well, now that you know a little more about my beloved country (what if I hated it? right?) I'm gonna keep working on bringing you the best Salvia Divinorum Extracts in the world.
Have a great week!
PD Please don't be as procrastinator as I'm
buy salvia,
exotic herbs,
salvia divinorum,
salvia extracts
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Ignorance about salvia.

Unfortunately, ignorance is one of the greatest weapon of control in this Psychological wars era.
The ones in power rely on ignorance of the masses to achieve their egoist interests, if you haven't thought about this, take a little time in your life to meditate on this, you'll see that what I'm writing is true.
In the particular case of salvia, governments and some ignorants are taking advantage on this new discovery in botanics to make their governed believe they're in control, when with a little personal research with any search engine would clear all their doubts, realizing that salvia is a harmless plan.
Those in power will never change, that's what they're there for, but you can change, don't believe everything that they say, make your own research, and be free of being controlled because of ignorance.
This article doesn't just apply to Salvia Divinorum, but it may be applied to several issues
Saturday, May 23, 2009

I guess that flu H1N1 is in control in Mexico, I don't mean that it won't be more infected people, or even dead ones because of the virus. I just mean that we're now aware of its symptoms and its deadliness. WHO has congratulated Mexican government and citizens for their civic and mature response to this new virus, that handled carelessly would've got millions of lives throughout the world.
Nevertheless we paid our toll, we're facing one of the greatest economic crisis of our history.
I personally ask to my readers to come to visit Mexico, we depend in great part on tourism, and you can take advantage of our low prices for tourists and our beautiful touristic places.
At least visit BHB and get some Salvia Extracts, you'd be helping in some degree to Mexico, Salvia Divinorum's mother land.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Rivea seeds

The original use for these seeds are made by shamans in order to gain knowledge in curing practices and ritual, as well as the causes for the illness.
Known in Mexico as Ololiúqui, the seeds contain ergine (LSA), an ergoline alkaloid similar in structure to LSD.
Its use is not as wide as Salvia, but among shamans, Rivea seeds are used very often, even more than Maria Pastora.
You can buy salvia or rivea seeds at Black Hat Botanicals.
I'll be back soon.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Texas on the right path for Salvia Divinorum regulation

This is a great step for Salvia to be regulated and not just banned without any previous research, I really hope that other US States follow this kind of behavior to give the place that this herb really deserves.
0 comments doesn't mean you have to keep it like this.
Have a nice day.
Monday, May 4, 2009

Unfortunately for those looking for the healing and divinatory effects that makes this plant so famous for, shamans don't use music in their sessions because they say that any kind of noise would make salvia effects disappear or weaker.
As well as sound, shamans say that light cause the same opposition to salvia's effects as music, this is why shamans environment while using salvia is always a completely dark and quiet place to talk to spirits or heal their patients.
But if you have a favorite to listen to while in a Salvia trip, let me know which one is, though I rather like to emulate old shamans techniques.
Please keep in touch, I'll have more news soon.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
About Salvia Extracts

I've been reading about Salvia Divinorum, but most of the places I've found talk about Salvia Extracts.
I've been asking myself what shamans say about their precious plant is being converted into an industrialized concentrate, just like they make sugar from cane.
I've also wondered if they would change into this salvia extracts once they know that it's more clean and powerful than pure silvester leaves.
I think they would keep their fresh leaves because of tradition. And they wouldn't accept that Salvia Divinorum, a holy plant for them, is being treated as entertainment and not for what it is meant to be.
Personally, now that we have at hand an herb so powerful, we should try to give it the use originally intended. We would reach a higher spiritual level and a greater inner peace.
Have a great week!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Swine flu in Mexico.

That question has a lot of answers, one of them is obviously that our country was the first one where this virus sprang.
Then there is our culture, we don't use to go to the doctor as often as other countries, because of money or ignorance on the gravity of a given illness. Specially on this one, that it appears as a mere flu, few Mexicans go to the doctor when they have one.
Those two circumstances made of Mexico the perfect party place for this new virus. In other words, we were taken off-guard.
Mexican government have been taken the right decisions so far, and population is observing the recommended safety rules for this case.
At first, I thought that the measures taken by our government were too magnified for this issue. But now that I know more about the history of previous pandemies (google SARS) I think that world governments are doing the right thing. You can never over-react when taking care of your health.

Although Salvia Divinorum is Mexican, don't worry, they are double-filtered to give you the best and safest extract on the market.
Buy salvia! (swine flu-free).
You can comment anything you.. yo.. achoooo!! Sorry! ;)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
More on favor of Salvia Divinorum.

In addition to this, there's another legal area where Salvia fits to be compared with.
Medications have been lately in the eye of the storm (though this is a misplaced use for this phrase, because the eye of a storm is always quiet) because most of them have as much adverse effects as they cure diseases, specially those for treating mental illnesses.
The way health departments in several countries have been managing new artificial medicines tests for their final use in the population is embarrassing and irresponsible.
When congressmen try to ban a relatively recent botanical discovery as Salvia Divinorum and they aren't doing their job in other areas like medicine regulation, they're just being as reckless as those teenagers trying Salvia.
I'm positive that more than 10% of medicines have killed those that they're supposed to heal, just because their unknown side effects or 'cause they were used by minors as consequence of improper storage.
If you want a drug-free and safer place for our minors, start fixing what you've left unfinished, with their proper testing on humans, maybe then you could try to regulate new plants and medicines the right way.
Yeah! Leave your comments! I'm sleepy now.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
What your governments don't want you to know.

I'm sure you knew about the "Earth day", where several countries unplugged the electricity of their monuments for one hour as a sign of empathy with our mother earth.
I don't know about your countries, but here in Mexico have several water cuts per week, I think that's systematically, but they manage to come out with a different excuse each time for the people not to tell. As an example, in Mexico City, the most populated in the world, they left a quarter of the city without water around 4 days.
They said that they were giving maintenance to the main pipes of the Cutzamala water system. That would've been ok for everyone, but after they did this "maintenance" they keep doing water supply cuts to that same part of the city, now arguing that "it hasn't rained enough".
To end this story, now they're asking, almost pushing government offices employees to save energy, to shut off any device they're not using, without an explanation.
I know this could be just me, but I don't buy those electricity and water cuts lightly. Something is going on that we're not worth to tell. In my opinion the water is running out, the electricity is running out, the world power supply is going down. They know about this, and they don't want regular people to know.
They just want to keep the power as long as they can, no matter who may suffer because of this.
If I scared you just get some Kratom extract or some Salvia to ease the inevitable truth.
PD: For ADN, I'm just an employee, I'll ask my boss about your suggestion and you'll know his decision if you pass by and check.
buy salvia,
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salvia divinorum,
salvia extracts
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